Super Cr3w Wins ABDC and Our Wang is Gold!

August 22, 2008 · Posted in General, sports 

For the 2nd year in a row, a dance group comprised mostly of Filipino Americans wins the title of Americas Best Dance Crew on MTV.

I’m sure most of you were watching and I heard about the Philippine flag and the Pinoy themed warm up gear. That’s f’n awesome. Unfortunately, I was having pizza and watching the Olympics but I’ll catch the replays on MTV when the Olympics are over.

Super Cr3w Wins America’s Best Dance Crew – People Magazine

America’s Best Dance Crew’ is Super Cr3w! - Los Angeles Times

Congrats to Super Cr3w and way to win one for Las Vegas… or Southern California… oh wait, you guys said Las Vegas. 

Speaking of the Olympics, the Philippines got a gold medal! Sort of.

Once again, a Filipino athlete got a gold medal in an Olympic exhibition sport.  This year, the sport was Wushu and Filipino Willy Wang (I swear that’s his name) was the gold medal winner.  He truly was the cock of the walk in Wushu as he shafted all other competitors in his demonstration of skill and dexterity with his bare fists.  Wang’s ballsy performance is reminiscent of Arianne Cerdenas gold medal in women’s bowling in 1988, which also was an exhibition sport. 

Here are the links for the Willy Wang story:

RP wushu athlete cops gold in Olympic demonstration - GMA News

RP finds consolation in Wushu gold in Beijing - ABS CBN News

Ok I’m all out of dick jokes.  Wait, I got one more. 

Penis. (That cheesy enough for you Chafa Khan?)

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2 Responses to “Super Cr3w Wins ABDC and Our Wang is Gold!”

  1. Valleypinoy on August 22nd, 2008 11:17 am

    Willy Wang? Is he related to Billy Wing?

  2. darleene on August 22nd, 2008 4:16 pm

    Ah, either way, the winner of ABDC would have been a few Filipinos, since several members of SoReal Cru are also Pinoy.

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